Friday, August 3, 2007

Day 48: Culbterson, MT to Wolf Point, MT.

Hey all!

It was my time to compose another journal entry for the group, so I figured I would use what I wrote for the B & B website for my own blog too. It pretty much details all that happened this past August 3rd, 2007. Enjoy.


Hello to all parents, supporters and peers;
I write to inform you about our antics, joys and fears.
Back again to write a journal, I am here for one last time;
And if you haven’t noticed, yes, I am composing another rhyme.
So here it goes, a play-by-play of today’s pretty trip;
I’ll try to keep it concise, and not give too much lip.
A 5:15 wake-up, that is what we had;
Tired were many, but still happy not sad.
Breakfast was yummy, thanks to our hosts;
We had cereal and cinnamon buns – no need for toast.
A shout out to Billy’s mom, must also be done;
For her chocolate-chip banana bread was super yum-yum!
This 3rd day of August was our first real ride in the west;
I’d have to say, that I might like this state best.
Pedaling past mountains, ponds and many a farm;
Oh, what a beautiful ride, Montana really is a charm.
Zooming up and over hills, all of us went;
Thanks to a tail-wind, the gods up-above sent.
It was such a pleasure to bike oh-so fast;
Our fingers are crossed that this tail-wind will last.
The ride was only 55 miles, so we got there quite soon;
I think the entire group all arrived before noon.
With no official lunch break, hungry were we;
So out came the wallets to pay the meal fee.
Food stops were varied, but we all were well fed;
‘Twas a welcomed change from PB and J on Wonderbread.
Afternoon activities differed among us thirty;
But, we all did take showers, so no one was dirty.
Some people surfed the web, emailed family and friends;
Others went to the post office or discussed political trends.
Many a bike-and-builder took his/her afternoon siesta;
Napping is essential to surviving this 9 week fiesta.
Dinner came soon, and oh-what a treat;
We all reaped the benefits of Kristian’s culinary feat.
Fettuccini alfredo with broccoli, parmesan cheese and chicken;
Fruit salad and yogurt – good enough for finger lickin’.
To wrap up the evening, some stayed in and read;
The other half of the group trekked out to prolong going to bed.
To watch a real Pow-Wow, that is what we went to see;
Different tribes danced together, what a beautiful ceremony.
The clothing was colorful, striking and bright;
The beats were strong, powerful and filled with might.
The sun had now set, and the bed-time bells started to chime;
So back to Gospel Fellowship Church went we around nine.
As I finish off this journal, I can not help but smile;
Tomorrow we will be getting up normal people style.
630 am wake up, oh it is a dream come true;
All I want to say is leaders (Kristian), ‘THANK YOU’!
To finish this entry, I end with my closure from before.
A stanza to say ‘night, lacking any words of lore.

I now bid you farewell and hope you enjoyed this ditty;
Apologies if some of the rhymes were not so pretty.
Postcards you will continue to receive, from all over the US globe;
I am now-signing off – regards, Jacqueline Loeb.

Montana in the morning...

I have seen quite a few anti-meth ads in MT, here is one of them.

Our welcome sign at the church. Word.