Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 24: Fort Wayne, Indiana - Build Day

Today was our 5th build day, and a VERY welcomed break (considering our last few days invovled around 90 miles of biking in 96 F degree weather with 12 mile (plus) head winds). Today was also our coolest build day by far: we got to the build site only to find a giant concrete slab, which was soon to become a giant concrete slab with all the walls of a house attached - yes, we did 'framing' and were able to construct all of the frames for the walls, which was pretty neat. The crew leader (Habitat hires professionals (they are still volunteers, but they are professional contractactors) - yes, take comfort in knowing that people with slightly more building experience than I are in charge of directing the building job in order to ensure that the house doesn't collapse) said that the goal of the day was to just lay out the floor plan of where the walls were supposed to go; so, it was pretty exciting that we were able to help them accelerate the building progress, putting them over a day ahead of schedule - today it actually felt that we made an impact b/c we really helped to build (the beginnings of) a house. Side note: I have become very adept at the skill of hammering - I really was able to master the 'swing' of things : ) ....

Before picture:

During picture (it is a video clip - sweetness...):

After picture:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.