Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 26: Merriville, IN to Grayslake, IL

Mileage = 87 miles. Weather = beeeauuutttiiifffful. Terrain = fabulous (i.e Lakeshore drive is a dream, and traffic lights and cars = exciting).

We finally got out of Indiana - wahoo - to pedall what was a GOREOUS route along Lake Michigan into Illinois. We took a 3 hour stop-over in 'The Windy City' (i.e. Chigago), which happened to be much less windy then our past days in Ohio and Indiana, to see the city. Chicago was definitely a highlight of the trip so far: the city was bustling, the sun was shining, the lake was gorgeous, the food delicious - the only problem was that we had a mere 3 hours to do and see everything, which pretty much translated into eating a really yummy lunch and taking pictures of some key sites (planetarium, the art insitute, millenium park etc.). I decided that I really like the city and it is one I could definitely live in later in life...Slash, city riding was an EXTREMELY welcomed break from the monotomy of cornfields that plagued us for the past week. Being able to biking at 17 mph, as opposed to 10 mph (due to strong headwinds), was not only fun, but also restored needed confidence in one's (read: my own) ability that we (read: I) actually can bike. Yay Chicago!

The border. Urban w/ character. Word. (Pic = Adi and me)

Kelsey, Adi and me w/ the city skyline -oh, so pretty...
A whole bunch of us at the Bean in Millenium Park. Refelection in the statue = nifty.

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