Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Day 18: Lockport, NY - Niagara Falls, NY

I was on 'journal' today for my B & B group, which means that I had to write the online journal entry that is posted on our wesbsite (accessed through either the 'route tracker' or 'joural's button on the left-hand menu of The entry pretty much described what my day entailed, so I figured I would copy and pasted it below - side note: I wrote it in rhyme, because well, I get long-winded and sappy and include too much detail when given the freedom to write about the daily happenings of my life ( a fact that most of you, I am sure, are familiar with).

N.B. 1. see pictures below!
2. More blog entries to come ( I will get up-to-date soon, I promise). Sorry that they are coming out of order, I will eventually include (almost) all days - so, be sure to check up and don't be suprised if 'Day 22' shows up and the next entry is 'Day 11'.

Independence Day : Hip-hip-hooray!

Lockport, NY - Niagara Falls, NY.
Distance: 22 miles.

Us after our "Maid of the Mist" ride. Oooh so wet, but oooh so fun.

Oh what a day it was, this 4th of July;
A time to celebrate for sure, one could not deny.
The day started off well, we got to sleep in ‘till 8;
What a treat this was, we never rise this late!
After we woke up, a delicious breakfast we were fed;
Complete with fresh fruit, cereal and banana bread.
We then cleaned the church, and got ready bike;
Only 20 miles to go, this short ride we would like.
Up-up above, however, we saw clouds in the skies;
They decided to bring us an ‘independence day’ surprise.
Yes, our gorgeous weather streak was bound to end;
It rained indeed – hopefully, this will not become a trend.
Nevertheless, painless and short was the ride we found;
We all biked in a pack, and arrived safe and sound.
Our destination was the Calvary Baptist Church;
It was easy to find, we did not need to search.
Upon arrival and unable to find showers, we just dried off;
A note to the mothers: we are all still healthy, except for Chris w/ his cough.
Hungry we were, well, in fact, we always seem to be;
So off to ‘Tim Hortons’ we went, for doughnuts and cof-fee.
With time to spare after, we watched TV with the lights on low;
Enthralled by “The Real Desperate Housewives”, oh what a show.
Followed next was a viewing of “Anchorman”, a teenage pleasure;
Having down time to relax is a highly valued treasure.
Maximizing our time, it is something we really like to do;
We trekked to Niagara Falls Canada, it was well worth the view.
Many of us played the role of ‘tourist’ for most of the day;
Went on the ‘Maid of the Mist’, ‘a shower, finally’ some did say.
The boat ride was fun, quite wet we all got;
Close to the falls we floated, the pictures were hot.
After our water adventure, about town we did walk;
Eating fudge, taking pictures, and engaging in small-talk.
Vegas-esque, tacky attractions and candy stores were abound;
A cheap spot for dinner, it was not to be found.
By this point, split up was NUS Bike and Build;
Gallivanting around, looking how to get our stomachs filled.
Some of them were at the casino, they were playing dice;
I was with ten others out for dinner, eating fried rice.
Now satiated and smiling, we were ready again;
On our way about town, our group of ten.
Early it was, so more pictures of the falls we did take;
Up close we were, such loud crashing noises they did make.
Once the clock struck 8, back home we were to go;
Bed-time was nearing, so sadly we saw no fire-works show.
But, to get back to the US, the border we had to cross;
Walking through was bizarre, we incurred a 50 cent loss.
Yes, that was the pedestrian charge, we all did pay;
Kristian was annoyed, “I can’t believe it” he did say.
Ironic, however, was this day of independence;
Since we spent it north of the US-Canadian fence.
And, not only did we frolic about - Canadian style;
But I, the token Canuck, was told to write this journal file.
Overall, fellow readers, this rainy day was quite a delight;
Early to bed we then all went, to prepare for tomorrow’s long flight.

I now bid you farewell and hope you enjoyed this ditty;
Apologies if some of the rhymes were not so pretty.
Postcards you will receive, from all over the (US) globe;
I am now signing off – regards, Jacqueline Loeb.
Me pretending to 'drink in' the falls - awkward, I know...

Having fun with HATS - no one bought one though.

Picture of the falls - the Cnd ones are on the right and are waaayyyy sweeter. Interesting fact: way back when (I don't actually know when), a 7 year old boy fell over the (Cnd) falls only wearing a life-jacket and survived - booya - damn crazy, totally true.

I don't if you can read the sign, but it reads 'International Boundary Line' - I am on one side while all the others (read: Americans) are on the other...

Kristian and me at the entrance to the walkway to the border...Walking through customs = another first experienced on this trip ( in addition to my first sampling of meatloaf, jello pudding, biking 95 miles (well, biking over 12 miles), knee pain, etc...)

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