Sunday, July 15, 2007

Grayslake, IL to Janesville, WI to Madison, WI.

Weather continues to be beautiful. Terrain somewhat hilly, somewhat windy, but nothing too extreme.

We crossed another state line - booya - the dairland of the USA, here we come!
Picture = Max, Carla, Kristian, Sam and me.

Short (but hilly) bike ride into Madison:
Hay, hay, and more hay. Getting up was a challenge - Dan had to hoist me up. Balancing was also more difficult than it looks, I felt very wobbly.

We will be having out FIRST (of two) day-offs tomorow (a REAL day off, no building, no biking, but RESTING), so a bunch of us went out to celebrate Sam's 22nd birthday, which conveniently was today, in Madison.

Pic = birthday boy w/ the lovely Laura @ bar 1 (of 3).

Pic = Kristian, Rebecca, Matt, Matt, Laura, Joy, Thuy-Tien and me @ bar 2. Everyone was wearing their 'Pedaddling to End Poverty Housing" building t-shirts in hopes of getting free drinks (I, however, was not since mine was covered in dirt and food...), which, by the way, did not happen (no surprise there - there were about 10 of us).

Overall, the night was a blast! It was great to just kickback, relax and hangout with the knowlege that for the first time all trip we could actually be greeted by a genuine 'sleep-in' in the morning.

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