Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 11: Brandon, Vt to SIlver Bay, NY

Mileage: apprx 75. Weather: hot, very hot.

The day started off with pretty easy terrain. I was biking w/ my friend Dan when we hit about 10 miles of farms - the smells was unbearable: a mix of wet grass and manure. If I breathed through my mouth I could taste it, but breathing through my noise was worse. This was a slight predicament. Dan claimed that this is what most of the Mid West would smell like - I have been fearing the Mid West since.

We finally crossed into New York today, which was very exciting. The whole group took a ferry over the river to actually cross into the state though (so the border was slightly less exciting, but rewarding nonetheless).

Picture = Adi, Dan and me.

The ride became pretty hilly once we reached NY. There was this one gigantic hill that was extremely exhausing; however, Dan and I were rewarded by the most delicious vanilla frozen yogurt at the top (which we purchashed from a roadside store - very strategically placed - it was much appreciated). After our treat, the ride was much smoother and we had beautiful views of lakes. To top off this overall delightful riding day, our 'home' for the evening was the YMCA resort in Silver Bay: we all got to share rooms, were provided with individual beds (as opposed to the floor, which is the norm) and were privileged to the culinary delights of resort dining. This resort was directly out of "Dirty Dancing", all that it was missing was my gorgeous prince charming who was supposed to teach me how to shine dancing the meringue - but, well the fresh fruit was still a nice treat.

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