Monday, June 18, 2007

Day 2 - Orientation (Portsmouth, NH)

Second day of orientation - wahoo! The day was pretty relaxed, we learned how to deal with some bike issues (i.e. change a flat tire, proper bike maintenance etc...). My friend Sam let me change his tire for him (which was very nice, I thought, considering my (total lack of) experience - although he did walk me through the process) since my tires are tubeless, so I can't change them (they have this foam stuff that supposedly seals itself if the tire goes flat, which they aren't supposed to do. Who knows?!)

Everyone also went on a 'shakedown' ride around town -i.e. a 10 mile practice ride to get the hang of biking. I, however, did not go. I forgot to get my med forms signed by my physician, so I wasn't allowed to go. Yep, typical me - a little too last minute : ). But, it didn't really matter b/c my father and his friend took me riding the day before I left for the trip anyway (which, by the way, was a very good thing b/c before that ride I was not able to stop - a skill I have learned is most crucial...)

Below are pictures of our van / trailer. One (of our four) leaders drives the van each day and s/he provides all necessary support (i.e. lunch stop @ the halfway mark (PB and J - slash, I like open-faced PB w/ a little bit of honey and cereal (any kind) on top) - transports our gear, etc...). We all painted it together - well, considering my artistic expertise I left most of the work for the studio art majors, but I was a dedicated 'watcher'. Check out the group Canadian pride - and, that had nothing to do with me, no joke.

Side of trailer. Outlined in white is our route across the northern US. I didn't realize quite how long / large our route really was until I looked at wall map of the US - slightly overwhelming to say the least (especially considering the most I have ever biked before this trip was 12 miles, and that was only the day before I left on the plane to come here). The man at the bike shop who sold me my gear told me that biking 4000 miles, with my experience, was 'agressive'. I figured that sounded just about right...hmmmmm : ).

Side of trailer. The names of all the universities represented on the trip. Dartmouth = front and center - yeah, I know ppl : ) .

Back of trailer. Be nice to cyclists while driving. Cars are scary.

Front of trailer. For some reason, Americans think of mounties as being symbolically Canadian. The speach bubble reads 'Vancouver or Bust'.

Our van. Booya.

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