Monday, June 18, 2007

Summer Coordinates

This is just a post to let you know what I am up to for the summer and how I can be contacted - it might be long, and slightly complicated, but I'll do my best.

So, I am biking across the northern US from Portsmouth, NH to Vancouver, BC with an organization called Bike and Build. Bike and Build organizes cross-country cycling trips to raise money for, and promote awareness about, affordable housing. We bike around 75 miles a day and throughout the trip we stop at different towns to give presentations on affordable housing and we also stop and build houses (w/ Habitat) around once a week too.

As well, if you want, you can track my route (see where we will be each day, mileage, a visual (map), and journal entry) by clicking on 'route tracker' on the left hand panel of the Bike and Build website. Again, I am the Northern US route. Or, click on this link:,com_wrapper/Itemid,207/

Yep, that's right, I might be biking a sh*t ton, but I would LOVE to MEET UP with any of you if you happen to be in / near any of the areas I will be biking / building.
- I can meet up ON THE ROAD with you (i.e. for snack, or you could even BIKE with me)
- I can meet up for DINNER(or you could come to the group)
- I can meet up AFTER DINNER - wherever I will be or I can meet you in town etc. (curfew = 11pm if I am biking the next day; 1am if I am building the next day; NO CURFEW if I have a day off the next day)
- I can meet up on a DAY OFF.

Honestly, it would be so super cool to meet up anywhere along my route (NB: for all you Torontonian's (who are in the city) on this list, we will be in NIAGRA FALLS for the 4th of July - so, if you want to take a short road trip for a little spicy adventure and come and meet up that would be super sweet).

Please send me updates about your summers - I'd love to know what you are all up to and hear about all of your adventures! I have limited access to email, but I will be checking it relatively regularly, so I will be able to write you back (replies might be slow at times).

Also, I have a cell phone ( please note the CHANGE OF NUMBER) - so feel free to call for some one-on-one time - I'd love to hear from you!

Cell # is: 917 716 1043

Outlines when I will be where, our daily mileage, and whether I will be biking, building, or day-offing.

Yes, I can receive SNAIL mail. WRITE ME and I'll send you a POSTCARD back (from whichever state I happen to be in at the time...


I think that about covers all of the details of my where I will be etc....I think about you all often and I miss you more....

Have the most wonderful summers!

Live hard. Trip Fast. Cream Soda.

Keep it real,


Side note: send me your SUMMER COORDINATES too, so I can keep on contact with you (i.e. phone number, mailing address etc...)


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