Friday, June 22, 2007

Oh, the adventure begins....

Day 6. Hanover! I visted Dartmouth and was greeted by this rainbow. Must be a sign that there is hope -i.e. I will finish this trip, despite aching pains all over my body...

Day 6 - NH. New Long to Lebanon. Short day (35 miles). Dan by the waterfall. It was pretty.

Day 5. Ride was short (40 miles or so), but very hilly. Dan and I decided to reward ourselves with a restaurant lunch (cause bagels and peanut butter did not sound too satisfying). Well, we ended up getting caught in a thunderstorm on the way home. Garbage bags = my idea : ).

Day 5 - NH - on route to New London from Concord. Snack break. Oh, what a cinnamon role. Sam, Adam, Mei-Mei.

Day 5 - NH. 'Hardcore' biker pic in front of a pretty lake. Sam, Me, Mei-Mei, Adi, Brendan (program director).

Day 4 - before our first ride - my team: right to left: Claire, Me, Lindsay, Dan, Adi. We ended up splitting up - Claire, Adi and I stayed together though, got lost, and ended biking an about an extra 15 miles. Total mileage day 1 = 76 miles.

Day 4 (1st bike day). Pic = Adi and Me.

Day 4 (1st bike day). The 'wheel dipping ceremony' : we all dipped our back wheels into hte Atlantic ocean, and we'll dip our front wheels into the Pacific when we reach Vancouver. I am the very last person on the left-hand side of the picture.

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