Sunday, June 24, 2007

Day 8 - Lebanon, NH - 2nd Build Day

2nd 'build day'in Lebanon, NH. Most of us landscaped, I lucked out and got to paint the inside of the house; however, I was assigned to paint the edge b/w the ceiling and the walls, and even standing on a 2 ft block of wood it was still a stretch - let's just say there were some 'drip' marks.. Photo = ppl shovelling dirt (after it was laid down as top soil, then it was seeded and then covered in hay).

Shovelers having some fun.

Build day ended late so the showers in town were closed. To 'get clean' we all went swimming in the Connecticut river (at Dartmouth) instead. Picture = me jumping off the River Ranch roof (apprx 30 ft high) into the river. Oodles of fun!

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